The Lady Gaga brand is valuable. She is smart to be as aggressive protecting it as she has been building it. Estimates put the value of the brand at nearly $1 billion, including recording sales, concerts, clothing, fragrances, and more. She now rakes in over $90 million a year and hasn’t even begun to exploit the value of her brand.
Suing to Protect the Value of the Lady Gaga Brand
Lady Gaga filed suit this week in New York against a company that seeks to shake down a piece of that action.
Excite World, a shady Nevada corporation who’s Web site has been shut down, has filed for trademarks that most likely will never be granted. Claiming they want to sell a line of cosmetics and jewelry, they have filed to trademark “Lady Gaga,” “Lady Gaga by Design,” and “Lady Gaga Fame.”
Though the company has next to no chance of winning these claims, the filings do have the effect of blocking Lady Gaga’s own legitimate claims. Lady Gaga can pay Excite World a fortune to go away or she can sue. Having time and money on her side, Lady Gaga is suing.
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